HIIB eBook Volume 2 - 30 Days of Workouts
By popular demand! Volume 2! It does not matter which version you start with 1 or 2. Both have 30 unique workouts that are goal oriented towards gaining more muscle, more strength, and losing fat ALL AT THE SAME TIME.
*This version does not currently have video links. Get volume 1 if you need the video tutorials.
Like volume 1, this ebook introduces a style of training known as Interval Weight Training, which was designed by Pat O’Shea in the 1970’s. The workouts I've created utilize a combination of IWT, functional movements, and bodybuilding. It's a 30-day program that follows a 3 days on/1 day off schedule.
This mixture of exercises and concepts yields the greatest gains of any program design to date. It’s efficient on time, fun, builds incredible work capacity, and has the ability to burn fat and build muscle at the same time. In my humble opinion it is the “holy grail” of exercise prescription. However, this is going to be extremely difficult at times—so be ready to work!
Recommended equipment*:
-Barbell + plates
-Assault Bike
-Pull-up bar
-Climbing rope
*you can always modify workouts that use equipment you don't have access to!
*Sample Workout:
2 Rounds:
Min. 1) Max Bench Press 185/95
Min. 2) 200m Run
Min. 3) Max Pull-Ups
Min. 4) Max Bench Press 185/95
Min. 5) 60 Double Unders
Min. 6) Max Pull-Ups
Min. 7) Max Bench Press 185/95
Min. 8) 200m Run
Min. 9) Max Pull-Ups
Min. 10) Max Bench Press 185/95
Min. 11) 60 Double Unders
Min. 12) Max Pull-Ups
*Seems more complicated than it actually is. It's just switching out running and double unders, but I have to write it out so it makes sense.
*I want the bench to be HARD so keep that in mind if you modify. Looking for only about 5 reps each time.
*RX+ is strict pull-ups or muscle ups
10min. to get as far as possible...
Russian KB Swings 70/53
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