9 Weeks of Strength & Conditioning
This is a 9 week program following my signature 'Strength & Conditioning' programming (previously named '9 weeks of crossfit'). But... I promise you these are not just any old ‘CrossFit’ / or Strength combo workouts that you've seen before. They are tried, tested and true, proven by thousands of people.
Never Settle for Mediocre Programming!
My unique style of programming is unlike anything you’ve seen anywhere else. It has made me one of the most sought out coaches in the world. I've also thrown in several additional tips and tricks throughout the program to give you an extra 'edge' in your training.
One thing that I also do a little different in this strength & conditioning program is I've added days with a little more of a bodybuilding focus. This has always been the secret sauce when people ask me, “how are literally all of your members in such good shape!?”
Adding in days like this doesn’t just improve aesthetics, but it improves morale (because it’s something different and new), and it improves overall MUCH NEEDED strength when you do want to incorporate more advanced movements.
A little background... Before I opened my brick and mortar gym in Orange County, CA, I coached for thousands of hours. I have competed all over the world… I’ve seen it all when it comes to workout styles and programs.
I’ve also acquired multiple degrees and certifications in the exercise science field that have attributed to this style I’ve created, along with the 15+ years of experience as a professional athlete and coach.
When it comes to training & results, the most important factor for me is, and always will be, keeping morale high and making workouts fun! But… If you can do that AND make people stronger, sexier and healthier, then you’ve really created something special. And that’s what I’ve done with this program.
So you’ve done your research, you found me, and you heard I’m ‘the guy.’ There’s a reason for that and you’re about to find out why. Enjoy! :)
Back Squats:
- 75% x 5
- 85% x 3
- 95% x Max Reps
*In between sets, complete a 1min plank hold (on your hands) with a 45/25lb plate on your back. If you squat correctly, you should feel the fatigue from this in your actual squats. (That’s a good thing don’t worry!)
- 15min AMRAP
- 10 Cal Row
- 10 Wall Balls (30/20lb)
- 2 squat cleans @ 50% of 1RM
*every 2 rounds add 5% to the bar, so it goes like this:
- Round 1 and 2 is 50%
- Round 3 and 4 is 55%
- Round 5 and 6 is 60% … and so on…
*(scaled is 135/95 the entire time (no increase in weight)
Required Equipment for this Program:
For this program you will need a 'functional gym' setup. That mean you don't need typical bodybuilding equipment or machines, but you do need stuff like:
- Barbell & Plates
- Rack
- Pull-Up Bar
- Wall Ball
- Row Machine / SkiErg / Assault Bike
- Box (something to use for box jumps/step-ups)
- A Few Dumbbells
- Kettlebell
- Jump Rope
*If you’d like to have access to continuous workouts from this program, and all previous and future workouts, subscribe to Chalk Online! (If you've previously purchased the '9 Weeks of CrossFit' eBook, this program is not for you as it is the same guide just re-named)
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